Friday, January 27, 2012

Stay Tuned!

Hey Y'all!

I know. Blog posts are sort of sporadic lately. For good reason, though: I'm knee-deep in revisions for the (still Untitled! Grr!) final book in my Guardians series. Just thought I'd throw that out there, since I'm getting more and more "when will the third Guardians book be out?" hits on my sites every week.
Working on it--Cross my heart! ;)

In the meantime, if you're a fan of Seth and Genesis and their story, you might be interested to know that they will make another appearance v. soon. 

Ever wonder what Seth was thinking the night of Genesis and Carter's accident?

The world is dark, shadowed in grays. There's a soft murmuring, a muted glow of light slivering beneath her bedroom door. I search the realm around me, just to be certain, but only Genesis and I remain. We're alone. And so I close my eyes and pull myself into her world. A world where everything is brighter. Clearer. A world that, for some reason, makes sense to me, though it shouldn't. 

"In The Beginning," featured in the anthology In His Eyes, debuts Feb 14, 2012! Stay Tuned!