Monday, March 21, 2011

The First Review is In!

I try not to check Goodreads obsessively, but I do want to post the first official Cross My Heart review, especially since it's (gasps) five stars! Among the writing community, it's known that Goodreads Readers are a tough crowd to please, sometimes. This makes my first review (from Alex) even more exciting.

So without further ado:

"I snuggled up on the couch and read this book in a day. I couldn't put it down! Immediately I was intrigued by Parker. He was so mysterious, I wanted to know what his deal was. His secret. And I must say I was surprised. It's not often that I'm completely blind-sided by a plot twist but that was the case in cross my heart.

I also loved Jaden. She was so driven, her goals so clear that in some ways I envied her, the way she knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. But having said that, life isn't always perfect...

The family dynamics were interesting and felt very real as did the friendships and relationships. Speaking of relationships, this book certainly satisfied the romantic in me. Overall this is just a wonderful, wonderful book and I recommend it to anyone who loves a good romance. Not just for young adult readers!" 

This review alone makes those 75 agent rejections worth it. Now I need to find some ice cream to celebrate!

Yes, I'm totally up for ice cream at 9am.


P.S. I've double posted for the day, so if you missed my weekend sales/stats update, scroll down. (Or, if you clicked directly on this link, go back to my main page and then scroll down.) :)