Monday, October 10, 2022

Setting Goals that Work for You

When it comes to achieving our writing goals, motivation is key. But sometimes it's hard to stay motivated, especially when we're facing challenges. 

(I wrote an entire book on how to work past those challenges, btw.) 

With #NaNoWriMo coming up and thousands of writers making plans to sit down at the keyboard and pound out those words, I thought I'd post a few reminders about staying motivated and working toward your goals.

Photo by Engin Akyurt

1. Be realistic. 

It's important to set goals that are actually achievable. 

Yes, it's possible to write a book in 30 days. It's less likely this can be accomplished in a single weekend. Don't set yourself up for failure by demanding something of yourself that isn't attainable. Goals should be challenging but not impossible. 

2. Get an action plan together.

Once your goals are set, break them down into smaller steps. 

It's possible to write 50,000 words in a single month, but it means sitting down and writing 1,666 words every day for those 30 days. That might mean writing 833 words in the morning and 833 more words at night. Or it might mean writing 416 words every hour for four hours. 

Either way, having a plan of action will help you stay on track and focused on what you need to accomplish.

3. Take things one step at a time. 

Trying to do too much at once can be overwhelming and lead to discouragement. 

I've only been able to participate in NaNoWriMo one time many, many years ago. As much as I adore this idea and as hard as I cheer everyone else on, my work schedule just doesn't allow me much free time in November. I'd be more likely to sign up if it were in June or July. 

The point? Don't set a goal or make a plan that's going to tip your (already full) plate of responsibilities. If you can't write a novel in thirty days, why not extend your finish line through the month of December? Give yourself 60 days, instead. 

Only you know what you're capable of realistically accomplishing. 

Push yourself, but don't push yourself. That is, don't push yourself past your reasonable limit. :)

And above all:

Be Brilliant!
