Tuesday, March 6, 2012

February Sales Numbers

Hi Everyone!

I'm coming out of hibernation because I owe you some numbers. :)

Total sales for February:


Breaking it down:

The Guardian sold 289 Amazon US copies, 18 Amazon UK copies, 1 Amazon DE copy, and 24 copies on Barnes and Noble for a total of 332 (or 11.4 sales per day).

Cross My Heart sold 1,347 Amazon US copies, 292 Amazon UK copies, 58 Amazon DE copies, 2 Amazon ES copies, 1 Amazon IT copy, 132 copies on Barnes and Noble, and 18 copies in the Apple store for a total of 1,850 (or 63.7 sales per day).

Vendetta sold 214 Amazon US copies, 6 Amazon UK copies, and 12 copies on Barnes and Noble, for a total of 232 (or 8 sales per day).

You can tell numbers are coming down from the holiday rush, so I'm thinking they'll plateau again before summer (we shall see). I finally got my first Spanish and Italian sales, though, and I have no idea how I missed this (okay, it's been a crazy few weeks, so I do), but in January, Cross My Heart officially hit the 20,000 copies sold mark!

(throws confetti)

CMH is officially available on iTunes, now, so if you have an iPad or other iProduct, you can buy it directly from Apple.

Otherwise, I'm still devoting what little free time I have to revisions. It's safe to say the final Guardians book won't be a winter book, like I planned. It's getting there, though, so I'm calling spring.  If I owe you an email: Heart you! And you're flagged—will get back to you v. soon. :)  

I've also been collecting some links of interest, which I'll try to post on Friday.

I hope you're having a great week!