Monday, February 1, 2021

How to Make a Scene Move

To make your scenes move:

*Think about everything that has happened to the character up until the moment the scene takes place.

*Imagine what is going to happen to them in future scenes. 

*Determine what the character wants at that moment.

*Identify what's at stake (overall) for the character.

*Figure out what's keeping them from getting what they want.

*Consider the actions they've taken and will take: what are they doing to get what they want?

*How are the other characters reacting to these behaviors?

*Infuse the information into your narrative. 

Keep in mind that not everything in your brainstorm will make it into your story, but it's still important to know what's going on between the lines. 

Think of storytelling as an iceberg: what peeks above the water (that the reader sees) is only a small percentage of what's actually there, and the author should *always* know what's happening beneath the surface.

Be Brilliant!
