It's inevitable, the more you write, that the more you will appear on the page in all of your variations.
But you are not the characters of your novels, and they should be allowed the freedom to flourish--to step out on their own and tell their stories.
In order to write them effectively you will need to get inside their minds, of course, but their minds are not yours.
Cast your ego aside and write freely.
One of the best feelings (apart from writing "the end") is that moment when a character does something that wholly surprises us. Something that ties into the plot and narrative arc so perfectly it's almost as if it were imagined from the onset. Something unexpected, but was so clearly meant to happen.
These moments are magic, but they're unlikely to occur if you're writing through a filter of capital S Self.
For draft one, put away the writer to become the character.
And, as always, Be Brilliant!