Monday, August 26, 2019

Character-Driven Stories

In the character-driven story (as opposed to plot-driven), the character's wants, needs, and actions drive the plot. The "outside force" has little impact--it's the main character who is plodding along, propelling the story forward (or backward, or whatever direction his actions take him). 

The journey of the character-driven story often involves self-discovery, which (ideally) leads to transformation. At the end of the story, the character is not the same person he was in chapter one. 

The plot-driven story, of course, benefits from inner conflict and change, but for the character-driven story, this change is what will save the character as he "saves the world." In this way, the inner conflict is just as important as (or more important than) the outer conflict, and the tension surrounding this change is what will compel readers to keep turning pages.

Be Brilliant!
