Monday, April 22, 2019

Just Showing my Work!

So . . . I'm about to release All I Never Wanted

The cover has been revealed, the synopsis is posted, the bookstore links are in progress, and, if you're on my newsletter list, you just received the first five chapters to peruse. :P

Now that I'm in the home stretch, I thought I'd share some screenshots of a few of the things I see on my end when I'm working on a project. 

First, I work in Scrivener, which is an absolute Godsend (i.e. I highly recommend it). 

Here's my screenshot of the Prologue:

And here are some of the final stats for this particular project:

Here's part of the "Bible" I use to keep my characters and locations straight:

It's so easy to forget the name of a character or the name of a shop or town, so as soon as I write something new into the story, a note immediately goes into my "Bible."

This is what I love most about Scrivener: everything I need to write the story is in one convenient location. 

Even my characters:

Be Brilliant!
