Monday, February 18, 2019

Just Say No: On Fear

"The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; 
then he can do his work. 
The professional knows that fear can never be overcome."

-Steven Pressfield-

When it comes to making your art, what are you most afraid of?


Maybe if you worked harder, developed thicker skin, you would feel okay sharing your work or offering it for public consumption.

What the real artist knows, however, is that the fear never really goes away. An artist who sold his most recent painting for more than a hundred thousand dollars knows that his next piece might not sell at all. The New York Times bestseller knows that her publisher (or the public) could reject her next novel.

We're never free of our fears. They may manipulate or change over time, adapting to the person we've become, but there will always (always, always) be a reason to hold back.

Fight the urge knowing that this (rising above the fears and doing the hard work, anyway) is what it means to be a true artist. 

Be Brilliant!
