Monday, January 7, 2019

On Criticism

"If you find yourself criticizing other people, you're probably doing it out of Resistance. When we see others beginning to live their authentic selves, it drives us crazy if we have not lived out our own. Individuals who are realized in their own lives almost never criticize others. If they speak at all, it is to offer encouragement." 

-Steven Pressfield

Maybe you're not the problem. Maybe you're living your authentic life, but someone close to you isn't living theirs.

If they spend their time criticizing your hard work and effort, you have a few options. Depending on how close they are to you, you can cut them out of your life completely.

If you can't cut them out of your life, and you err towards altruism, you can support them as they work to find their purpose.

Or you can take a step back from them as best you can, continue to show up and do the hard work, and tune out the negativity.

I'll be honest: it's not easy.

Critics are loud and obnoxious, and even their quiet, subtle jabs sting. But however you choose to handle their negativity, don't let them snuff out your spark, tear you down, or swallow you up.

Keep doing you.

Be Brilliant!
