Monday, December 10, 2018

What Lights You Up?

In The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, he talks about the two lives we live that are at odds with one another: our real life and the unlived life inside us (the life we WISH we could live). 

The line separating the two is (capital R) Resistance.

Resistance is toxic, he says, because it keeps us from growing into the person we're meant to become.

But how do we know who we're supposed to become? 

It goes back to determining what makes us light up.

To toss in the cliche: what would you do if you only had six months left to live?

Quit your soul-sucking job? Get those characters that have been swimming around your head for years onto paper? List your crafts and/or art on Etsy? Get your website up and running? Open that store?

If the answer is anything other than what you're doing right now, a serious change (or, at the very least, some serious soul-searching) is in order.

As scary as it sounds, it might be time to break down that wall of Resistance and try something else.

What lights you up, and why aren't you doing it?

Be Brilliant!
