Monday, October 1, 2018

On Being Unrealistic

What if you were completely unrealistic about a deadline for one of your creative projects?

What if, for instance, it's Monday, and you decide you want to write 5,000 words on your manuscript by Friday?

"That's crazy!" you say. "There are kids and meals and jobs and pets and houses to manage. . . ."

But what if

There's this thing called Parkinson's Law--this law of productivity that says "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."

This means that whatever time we allow ourselves to complete a project, that's the time it will take to finish it. 

So if we allow fifteen minutes to check our email, it will take fifteen minutes, even if we could check it and be done in three minutes.

If we give ourselves a month to get 5,000 words on the page, it's going to take a month. If we give ourselves a week. . . .

Do you see where I'm going with this?

So set that unreasonable goal. Even if you don't quite meet your benchmark, I think you'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish. Hint: it's probably more than you think. 

Fact: a tight deadline makes us more focused and productive. 

Let this work to your advantage. 

Be Brilliant!
