Thursday, March 1, 2018

Reason Enough

"Your own reasons to create are reason enough."

The always fabulous Elizabeth Gilbert (Big Magic) said this.

It doesn't matter what he says or she says or what they think about you and/or your Art. 

It doesn't matter that you've picked plot-driven crime novels over character-driven literary novels, or if you're even attempting to combine the two. It doesn't matter if you draw caricatures over portraits or are more inspired by Botticelli than Kandinsky or Bocelli than Ballerini.   

It doesn't even have to be about the money. 

Or maybe it's all about the money. 

Who cares?

You are not required to justify your motives to anyone about anything--especially re: your Art. 

Just . . .

. . . and do it well.

Our reasons for creating (whatever they might be) are enough. 


Be Brilliant!
