Thursday, April 30, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 30

~Day 30~

A final haiku
On this last day of the month:
Poetry matters.

Thanks for celebrating National Poetry Month with me! 

I'm actually kind of proud of myself for making it through the entire month--getting over here every day was NOT easy, but I'm always up for a challenge. 

I enjoyed writing based on prompts, too. It allowed me to think about things I love and things I could work on in my own life. Very insightful. 

(Writing is powerful that way.) ;)

For the record: my favorite days were eight and twenty-five.

And now . . . back to our regularly scheduled blog posts!


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 29

~Day 29~

The prompt: When was the last time you were awe-inspired?

The response:

When my baby boy
Pulled me close for a hug as
I walked by his crib.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 28

~Day 28~

The prompt: Are all people capable of the same level of spiritual expansion and awareness?

The response:

Some minds are shut tight.
Locked to knowledge and reason.
Sure and unmoving.


Monday, April 27, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 27

~Day 27~

The prompt:
Who do you pity the most right now and why?

The response:

I pity the ones
with dreams. Restless but afraid.
Who can't take the risk.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 26

~Day 26~

The prompt: What does the word 'grace' make you think of?

The response: 

Grace is forgiveness—
All the wrongs I've ever done
And wrongs done to me.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 25

~Day 25~

The prompt: What does the word 'purity' make you think of?

The response:

Girls in white dresses
Balanced on lean pedestals
Just waiting to fall.


Friday, April 24, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 24

~Day 24~

The prompt:
How would you use your wisdom and experience to help someone cope with heartbreak?

The response:

The universe knows
What we need—what's best for us,
Even if it's hard.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 23

~Day 23~

The prompt:
What could you be more grateful for?

The response:
The everyday things.
Earth and air and life and love
Taken for granted.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 22

~Day 22~

The prompt:  Do you tend to feel lonely when you are alone, or are you merely in your own company?

The response:

When I'm by myself
I'm never really alone.
I am my own friend.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 21

~Day 21~

The prompt:

  Whereabouts do you tend to resent others for what they have?

The response:

Sometimes I see homes
Bigger and better than mine
Though I have it all.


Monday, April 20, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 20

~Day 20~

The prompt: If you wanted to find a place of sanctuary right now, where would you go and why?

The response:

I would find a beach,
A mountain stream, in hopes of
Renewing spirit


Sunday, April 19, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 19

~Day 19~

The prompt:
Who deserves the truth about your feelings right now? How would you express your truth to them if you could only say it in one sentence?

The response:

You are heading down
A very dangerous path,
And it's time to stop.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 18

~Day 18~

The prompt: What will your next big adventure look like?

The response:

The next adventure
Looks like Paris, Prague, Europe.
Beaches and mountains.


Friday, April 17, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 17

~Day 17~

Are you sick of poetry, yet? Tired of haiku? No? Great! Me, either. ;)

The prompt: If you had to dedicate the next six months to only one project or goal, where would you choose to place your focus and why?

The response:

Expanding knowledge,
Learning more about myself,
Becoming Katie.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 16

~Day 16~

The prompt:
What would happen if you just refused to take any shit from now on?

The response:

Taking no shit means
Being a happier you
Than you are right now.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 15

~Day 15~

The prompt: Is empathy ever a negative thing?

The response:

Concern for others
(Unless they walk all over)
Will never be bad.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 14

~Day 14~

The prompt: Think about the three most important relationships in your life right now. To what extent are you being authentic in each of them? Go deep. Get clear.

The response:

Doing all I can.
Holding back what is hurtful.
Being the best me.


Monday, April 13, 2015

National Poetry Month--Day 13

~Day 13~

It's Day 13 of National Poetry Month!

Here's the prompt: What seems to be obstructing your sense of your own potential more than anything else?

Here's the response:

My need to control.
Anxious nerves are like poison
Keep me from living.

Happy Monday!
