Monday, February 4, 2019

On Rationalization

"Rationalization is Resistance's spin doctor. . . . Instead of showing us our fear (which might shame us and impel us to do our work), Resistance presents us with a series of plausible, rational justifications for why we shouldn't do our work."

-Steven Pressfield-

Why aren't you doing your (creative) work?

Because the floor needs vacuuming and the dog needs walking. There's a full-time job. Kids to tend to. Aging parents to care for. Clothes to fold. Meals to prepare. Errands to run.

Yes. Yes. Yes. And yes. 

Yes to all of the above, and a million other things that compete for our attention on any given day.

But if we don't do the (creative) work, then who will? 

And if we don't make time for the (creative) work, when is it going to happen?

There are a million reasons why we shouldn't. And they're all good reasons.

But don't forget the creative work. The work that fills your soul. That makes people happy. That might not seem "important" in light of the other things that need to get done, but is necessary, nonetheless. 

Be Brilliant!
