Monday, December 16, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a very 
Merry Christmas 
and a 
Happy New Year!

See you in 2020!

Monday, December 2, 2019

On Fighting

When, where, and how your characters fight speaks volumes.

Who are they most willing (and most likely) to fight with? With whom do they refuse to fight under any circumstances? Do they fight fairly or are they more vindictive--calling names, using threats or sarcasm, swearing or telling lies? What issues do they fight about? Are these problems serious or mundane--inconsequential, even?

Maybe your character doesn't fight at all.

Maybe she makes an exception in this one instance. 

What could have possibly gone wrong?

Part of developing a well-rounded character requires knowing and understanding how characters will act when faced with a potential argument. Their reactions and behaviors are what add variety and depth to a story, so it's worth considering these traits (among others) before the first page is written.

Be Brilliant!
