Monday, October 3, 2022

Writing as Therapy: How Pen & Paper Help Us Heal

"This was so therapeutic." 

These are the words I see most often on the submissions for the "humiliation" piece in one of my classes. 

This is a creative non-fiction assignment that asks my students to examine an embarrassing moment or a dark secret--something they've never told anyone, are still working through, or have finally overcome.

Affairs, divorces, abortions, abuse.... 

I've read it all.

Outside of the requisite writing feedback, I am a no-judgment reviewer. They can tell me anything.

So yes, writing is therapeutic.

Photo by Cristian Escobar

It's a way to process and release emotions surrounding a specific event. It helps us understand our emotions or even view the situation from a different perspective. 

It can help us cope with anxiety and reduce stress. It can help us sort through our emotions and gain insight into our thoughts and feelings. 

Writing can help us understand ourselves better. It can help us move on from difficult experiences. 

The page doesn't judge, so expressing ourselves in this way is safe. The paper isn't going to misunderstand us. It isn't going to get angry or lash back. It's simply going to soak up the words until we're done with them and feel ready to move on. 

So if you're feeling low right now, if you're struggling with something, why not pull out a sheet of paper or open that clean word processing document and give it a try?

Then shoot me a message and let me know how it goes.

No judgment here. :)

Be Brilliant!
