Monday, December 14, 2020

A Writer's Superpower

Dear Writer,

Your self-conscious, overthinking, over-analyzing brain is your Superpower.

You are an introvert, yes, and you may tend toward some anxiety and obsessive behaviors. Society wants you to see this as a negative, but it's not. You have a rich, inner life that allows you to do what you do. 

It's that self-consciousness and over-analyzing that ensures you only put out your best work at the time, and the obsession means you will go through a work again and again until it's the best you can possibly make it.

There will be gaps when you first begin--of course there will be--but the traits you consider "bad" can only be so if they're keeping you from submitting or finishing a project completely.

So write the words. Be self-conscious about them. Overthink the project. Over-analyze everything. Fix whatever bothers you about it until you are done thinking and analyzing and ready to let it go.

Use your Superpower, then share the story you've spun from nothing (your own tiny miracle) with the rest of us.

We're anxiously waiting.

Be Brilliant!
