Monday, September 14, 2020

The Truth is in the Details

What makes the reader suspend disbelief and lose himself in the story you're telling? 

The details.

Not too many details, but just the right amount.

A single detail, in fact, can tell us more about a character than a lengthy paragraph. 

What kind of details, you ask? The particulars. Something interesting that might otherwise be overlooked. Little clues that offer insight into who your character is, what she enjoys, or the trials he may have faced.

That glass clock on the mantle--a 25-year service award from his company? A detail.

The crucifix above the grandmother's window? A detail.

The colored pencils scattered on the floor by her bed? A detail.

We can assume a lot about a character through these strategic descriptions, even if we don't fully know them yet.

Stories are built on little details.

Make them count.

Be Brilliant!
