Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Christmas Music and an Interview

The Girl Child is playing Christmas music right now. Part of me is all YAY! Christmas is SO Freaking Awesome Let's Decorate! The other is all *facepalm* I cannot deal with Christmas yet. It's not even Halloween!

I'm only allowing this because she's learning to play the piano, and she's discovered that if she plays her favorite songs on her portable CD player, then she can sometimes plink out the song as she goes. 

I play the piano--and playing by ear is a great skill to develop, so I'm trying not to interfere. 

I'm trying. Trying *so* hard.

There's a Great Mom Award for this, right?

At least it's Andrea Bocelli. I mean, one could do worse than Andrea Bocelli Christmas.

Anyway, I just popped in to say that, if you have a moment, I hope you'll stop by Boekie's Book Reviews to read my interview with Vanessa. If you're into Mature YA/New Adult and Women's Fiction, check out the reviews/giveaways while you're there!


Am listening to: "White Christmas" by Andrea Bocelli

I'm not kidding. I wish I was.