Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A New YA Anthology

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to link a *really* awesome indie project from the 2009 Debutantes. (A group of debut authors first introduced to the world in 2009.)

It's an anthology with 25 full-length YA stories from some of the coolest writers in the business. I mean, New York Times Bestsellers . . . hello?

Here's the info:

You never forget your first...

In THE FIRST TIME, 25 young adult authors contribute 25 stories all about firsts: first loves, first kisses, first zombie slayings, and more. Featuring New York Times bestselling authors Carrie Ryan and Jessica Verday, plus a host of others. From humor to horror, and everything in between, these stories will make you laugh, cry, cheer, (and maybe even scream) as you experience something brand new from the authors that you love.

Contributing authors include: Cyn Balog, Lauren Bjorkman, Leigh Brescia, Jennifer Brown, Kirstin Cronn-Mills, Janet Gurtler, Teri Hall, Cheryl Renee Herbsman, Stacey Jay, Heidi R. Kling, C. Lee McKenzie, Saundra Mitchell, Jenny Moss, Jackson Pearce, Shani Petroff, Carrie Ryan, Sydney Salter, Kurtis Scaletta, Jon Skovron, Kristina Springer, Rhonda Stapleton, Charity Tahmaseb, Jessica Verday, J. A. Yang, and Lara Zielin.

This collection is priced at $2.99, which is an absolute steal. I'm not a huge reader of short stories, but these are some awesome writers, and I'm hearing some really good things about it.

(Yes: this is already waiting for me on my Kindle!)